Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another Rant

There is no more wine in the house. I think I'd drink wine vinegar at this point. Anything to escape from my real life.

Where are my boys? Why aren't I running them around all over town, to soccer, band practice, Odyssey of the Mind, drama rehearsals, ROTC drill practice; why am I not making six costumes for a 5-minute play; or helping someone with homework?

I feel a HUGE crying spell coming on tonight. It could be "hormonal" --- menopause where art thou?

Adding to my discontent -- I work for the Boss from Hell in an office of very few people, making the Boss from Hell even more a part of my working life b/c there is a low dilution factor? Why do I sit in a corner in an industrial building 20 miles from my home, day after day after day with no positive feedback and few challenges? THE MONEY! That's why. It's really good money! So does that make me a work-whore?

I'm reading a book called "The Recipe for a Perfect Marriage," and it is an eye-opener. The central character looks back at her grandparents' "perfect marriage" as her model for her own (clock-ticking, settling); then the story is told from her grandmother's point of view (arranged, forced) --- perception is everything.

I say that because I wonder if there are people out there who truly enjoy their jobs (I know I was talking about marriage, but that was just a segue into "perception"). Wouldn't it be wonderful to earn one's living doing something that also brought one "bliss"?

That's one of my favorite words, "bliss". If you say it to yourself a few times you'll feel the way it effortlessly rolls and then hisses off your tongue. Bliss. Because you have to bring your lips together for the "B," it's almost like a kiss, but with ambiguous emotion because of the ending "hiss."

I need more wine.


Special K ~Toni said...

Oh~ I'm sorry you are out! I have some Scope, doesn't it have alcohol?